New Pools
Pool Construction Centered Around You
At Southwest Pools, we believe the pool construction process should be efficient, collaborative, and centered around you. When it comes to your swimming pool, you have a vision, and it’s our job to make it come true. We start with clear communication — we guarantee no surprises and always keep project information up-front and up-to-the-minute. Throughout design and planning and well into construction, we will work every step of the way. Below, you can find some key project steps, along with what to expect during these times.
After the finishing design and you are satisfied and comfortable with the final look, we stake out the footprint of your new pool. This allows you to see how your pool will fit in your backyard. We don’t break ground until you verify the location and position and are pleased with everything.
Fencing and Excavation
A portion of your fencing will need to come down so that our workers can access your backyard during excavating. You will know the date a few days in advance so that all lawn equipment and possessions are safely stored away. At this time, we will dig the depth and shape of your pool based on the exact details of the design specs.
Plumbing and Equipment
Installing plumbing lines is a vital step, and during this process, we will pressure test the lines — all while getting read-outs of the pressure to ensure the hydraulic system is working to its fullest potential. Our plumbers will work to deliver the safest configuration possible with a high level of craftsmanship guaranteed.
After installing the plumbing, it will then be installed the electrical equipment, including any lighting configurations you choose. Our electrical technicians will need to dig a 6-12” trench from your electric panel to the swimming pool equipment (since the pool’s electrical components will connect to your electricity box near the home). We ask that you mark and make known any sprinkler or drip lines to avoid damage. Please also take steps to remove plants or other items that need safeguarding before our crew arrives.
Structure and Surface
Reinforced steel rebar gives your pool the structure it needs while delivering strength and long-term durability. After building the frame, our electrical crew will install the wiring and electrical pad. At this time, the interior of the pool gives shape and smoothed into place. After the shotcrete has cured, we will apply your choice of plaster or pebble surface.
Hardscape and Decking
At this stage we hardscape any design you want. With multiple options and choices that include an outdoor kitchen, fire pit, a gazebo, custom water features, and other amenities that would’ve been covered and chosen in the design phase. Once these add-ons have been added, our crew will build the pool deck according to the design.
Adding the beautiful waterline tile is one of the finishing touches that will make this your very own swimming pool. For the tile, you will have numerous options for sizes, styles, patterns, and colors. Six inches of waterline tiles are installed at the top of your swimming pool: three inches below the waterline, and three inches above the waterline.
Interior Finish
After the decorative tile for the waterline is installed, the interior finish will be applied. It usually takes 1-2 days, depending on the type of interior finish. Plaster usually only takes one day, while some stone interiors could require two days. We will advise you on the amount of time expected.
Clean-Up and Start-Up
After construction is completed, we will clear the area to leave you after we perfectly clean your backyard. Construction debris is removed, your fence restored to its original appearance; we will tend to any landscaping that had been adjusted during construction. Now the fun begins! We will fill your pool, start up the equipment, and balance your water chemistry so that the first swim can take place right then and there.
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